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Climate and Environmental Governance: Ice cream and genocide

Web 2.0 made it easier for anyone to debate, share opinions, and connect with like-minded individuals and groups like never before. This gave corporations the extraordinary opportunity to participate in the same way, and convey their values and personality beyond the mere utility of their products and services.

While businesses previously may have believed that it was best not to air their opinions on social matters, the cultural shift of a participatory internet has encouraged corporations to speak out on injustice and other matters of concern to their buying public — particularly as the buying public is increasingly made up of multiple generations of digital natives who consciously gravitate towards high-key or low-key brands that they connect with beyond product utility.

The social web has also enabled the public to view the violence currently being committed in Gaza in unparalleled detail, and the response to this has revealed deep divisions between and within countries. Knowing how to respond to the concerns of employees and customers is a genuine dilemma for corporations



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