The recent Director Masterclass Series, convened by Tengku Marina, a distinguished council member of Climate Governance Malaysia, commenced amidst challenging weather conditions with warm greetings. Mr. Tay Kay Luan, CEO of FIDE FORUM, initiated the session by addressing the formidable task of achieving zero carbon emissions. He underscored the intricate nature of climate change, intricately linked with human activities, raising a pivotal question: Why change, when many perceive it as unnecessary? Central to the agenda was a debate on integrating sustainability into boardroom dynamics, viewing climate action as both a strategic imperative and a business opportunity, while also serving as a risk mitigation strategy. Key considerations highlighted for boards included reliance on reliable data, access to capital, mobilizing support, and securing shareholders' backing, grounded in the recognition that shareholder intent primarily revolves around profit maximization.
Delving into the session's main theme on board dynamics, Nick Chia, Managing Director of Russell Reynolds, posed fundamental questions about what constitutes a high-performing board and how boards are addressing sustainability concerns within a broader context. Referring to data from more than 1,000 directors surveyed once every three years by Russell Reynolds, he listed two conditions to define high-performing boards: a self-rating by directors of 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale and sustained outperformance over at least two years in total shareholder returns. Additionally, he elucidated five key characteristics of high-performing boards, emphasizing longer terms used to evaluate opportunities and to make decisions, possessing the courage to do the right thing for the right reasons, building and demonstrating trust amongst fellow director, and robust succession and self-evaluation processes.
The discussion underscored the imperative for boards to embed sustainability into their organizational frameworks. This involves fostering a culture of accountability and proactively addressing sustainability concerns within risk management frameworks. Nick emphasized the need for boards to navigate the complexities of sustainability with courage and foresight, in an open and inclusive manner.
Nick emphasized the intricate challenges faced by boards in navigating sustainability issues, contrasting them with conventional business transactions and investments. While the latter often revolve around internal matters and regulatory compliance, sustainability initiatives require engagement with a diverse array of stakeholders, ranging from social enterprises to activist groups and the general public. This shift highlights the evolving role of chief sustainability officers, who must now possess in-depth subject matter expertise rather than being confined to reporting activities.
Despite increasing recognition of sustainability's significance, Nick highlighted concerning statistics from the afore-mentioned survey of 1,000 directors. While only a small fraction of respondents indicated that sustainability was not a concern at the board level, a notable portion of boards have yet to establish net-zero targets, reflecting uncertainty or hesitance in addressing sustainability goals. This reveals a gap in boardroom discussions, particularly in regions like North America, Europe, and Australia.
Nick stressed the importance of clarifying the roles of boards and management in integrating sustainability into organizational frameworks. He emphasized the need for continuous education to keep abreast of evolving scientific and data-driven developments in sustainability. Boards must proactively identify and prioritize sustainability issues, integrating them into existing risk management frameworks rather than treating them as peripheral concerns. Collaboration among boards, management, and specialized committees, such as sustainability or risk committees, is essential in this endeavour.
In influencing board behavior towards embracing sustainability, Nick highlighted the challenges posed by organizational culture and the desire not to rock the boat. He advocated that directors build personal relationships with CEOs and foster mentorship opportunities to facilitate constructive dialogue and proactive engagement. Furthermore, Nick emphasized the importance of diversity in board composition, highlighting its role in fostering innovative thinking and effective decision-making processes.
In conclusion, Nick's insights underscore the critical need for boards to proactively address sustainability concerns within the broader context of corporate governance. By embracing sustainability as a strategic imperative and fostering inclusive and diverse boardroom cultures, organizations can navigate the complexities of sustainability with foresight and purpose, ultimately driving long-term success and resilience.